• Educational Support

    Our program provides 3 hours of programming for students K-5th grade three days a week (Tuesday-Thursday). In very small classroom settings, students receive support on classroom assignments. We create a triad of support between the schools, families and our program. Since we have open communication with the schools, we are able to hear from teachers and administration on student-specific areas that need growth.

  • Spiritual Support

    We begin our program with music and singing, as well as a Bible story. Teachers lead students in small group discussions and Bible memory verses. Many of our students in the program ask to come to Sunday worship and we provide transportation to make that possible.

  • Emotional & Physical Support

    Recognizing that many children have experienced trauma, all of our teachers are trauma informed and trained. We want to grow students in their emotional maturity, while understanding their individual backgrounds and situations. Additionally, we incorporate movement and play into every day.